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/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* String++ Version 3.00 04/10/93 */
/* */
/* Enhanced string class for Turbo C++/Borland C++. */
/* Copyright 1991-1993 by Carl W. Moreland */
/* */
/* demo.cpp */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Demonstration of String++ methods. */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#if defined (__ZTC__)
#include <disp.h>
#define _setcursortype(k) disp_setcursortype(k)
#define clrscr() disp_eeop()
#ifdef BCCL
#include <strng.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include "str.h"
#include "regexp.h"
void pause(void);
void StrIntro()
String title1 = "String++ Version 3.00";
String title2 = "Written by Carl W. Moreland";
String title3 = "Demonstration of methods & operators";
String title4 = "Hit any key to continue...";
String title5 = "or <Ctrl>C to exit...";
cout << "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n";
cout << justify(title1, CENTER, 78) << "\n";
cout << justify(title2, CENTER, 78) << "\n\n";
cout << justify(title3, CENTER, 78) << "\n\n";
cout << justify(title4, CENTER, 78) << "\n";
cout << justify(title5, CENTER, 78) << "\n";
void StrConstr()
cout << "Create a String and assign it \"Hello World.\":\n";
String str1 = "Hello World.";
cout << "String str1 = \"" << str1 << "\";\n\n";
cout << "The String contents are returned by the () operator:\n";
cout << "str1() = " << str1 << "\n\n";
cout << "Now assign str1 to a second String:\n";
String str2 = str1;
cout << "String str2 = str1;\n";
cout << "str2() = " << str2 << "\n\n";
cout << "We can also assign numeric values to strings:\n";
str2 = 1024;
cout << "str2 = 1024;\n";
cout << "str2() = " << str2 << "\n\n";
cout << "Create multiple characters by passing an optional multiplier to\n";
cout << " the String constructor:\n\n";
str2 = "/* " + String('-', 40) + " */";
cout << "str2 = \"/* \" + String(\'-\', 40) + \" */\";\n";
cout << "str2() = " << str2() << "\n\n";
void StrContents()
String str1 = "Hello World.";
cout << "Placing a number in the () operator returns the substring\n";
cout << " of the String starting at that number:\n";
cout << "str1(6) = " << str1(6) << "\n\n";
cout << "Placing a second number in the () operator limits the substring\n";
cout << " to that many characters:\n";
cout << "str1(6,2) = " << str1(6,2) << "\n\n";
cout << "The nth character is returned by the [] operator:\n";
cout << "str1[6] = " << str1[6] << "\n\n";
cout << "The [] operator can also be used to replace the nth character:\n";
str1[6] = 'w';
cout << "str1[6] = 'w';\n";
cout << "str1() = " << str1 << "\n\n";
cout << "Use the left(), mid(), & right() functions to return substrings:\n\n";
cout << " left(str1, 5) = " << left(str1, 5) << "\n";
cout << " mid(str1, 3, 2) = " << mid(str1, 3, 2) << "\n";
cout << "right(str1, 6) = " << right(str1, 6) << "\n\n";
cout << "The length of str1 is given by the Length() member function:\n";
cout << "str1.Length() = " << str1.Length() << "\n\n";
void StrAddOp()
cout << "Create a new String with the contents \"only\":\n\n";
String str1 = "only";
cout << "String str1 = \"" << str1 << "\";\n\n";
cout << "Now use the + operator to add to it:\n\n";
str1 = "This is " + str1 + " a test";
cout << "str1 = \"This is \" + str1 + \" a test\";\n";
cout << "str1() = " << str1() << "\n\n";
cout << "Create a new String and use the += operator to append to it:\n\n";
String str2 = "Please ";
cout << "String str2 = \"" << str2 << "\";\n\n";
str2 += "stand by...";
cout << "str2 += \"stand by...\";\n";
cout << "str2() = " << str2() << "\n\n";
cout << "Use the inserter operator to chain appendages:\n\n";
String str3;
str3 << "The value of " << 'x' << " is " << 100;
cout << "str3 \<< \"The value of \" \<< 'x' \<< \" is \" \<< 100;\n";
cout << "str3() = " << str3() << "\n\n";
void StrMiscOp()
String str1 = "Hello world.";
cout << "The == operator will work for String == String, String == char*,\n";
cout << " or for char* == String:\n\n";
if(str1 == "Hello world.")
cout << "str1 == \"Hello world.\"\n";
cout << "str1 != \"Hello world.\"\n";
if("Hello world." == str1)
cout << "\"Hello world.\" == str1\n\n";
cout << "\"Hello world.\" != str1\n\n";
cout << "Let's create a String that's equal to str1*2:\n\n";
String str2 = str1*2;
cout << "String str2 = str1*2;\n";
cout << "str2() = " << str2() << "\n\n";
cout << "Now multiply str2 by 2:\n\n";
str2 *= 2;
cout << "str2 *= 2;\n";
cout << "str2() = " << str2() << "\n\n";
void StrNumbers()
cout << "The String constructor can also accept numbers. In the case of\n";
cout << " floating point numbers, you can also pass a format specifier\n";
cout << " which is stored and used in future conversions.\n\n";
String str1 = 1024;
cout << "str1 = 1024;\n";
cout << "str1() = " << str1 << "\n";
str1 = 655360L;
cout << "str1 = 655360L;\n";
cout << "str1() = " << str1 << "\n\n";
str1 = String(123.456);
cout << "str1 = String(123.456);\n";
cout << "str1() = " << str1 << "\n";
str1 = String(3.14159, "%10.4f");
cout << "str1 = String(3.14159, \"%10.4f\");\n";
cout << "str1() = " << str1 << "\n";
str1 = 123.456;
cout << "str1 = 123.456;\n";
cout << "str1() = " << str1 << "\n";
str1 = String(1.6e-19);
cout << "Str.SetFloatFormat(\"%1.4e\");\n";
cout << "str1 = String(1.6e-19);\n";
cout << "str1() = " << str1 << "\n";
str1 = 123.456;
cout << "str1 = 123.456;\n";
cout << "str1() = " << str1 << "\n\n";
void StrToUpper()
String str1 = "Hello World.";
cout << "The C-style function toupper() will return the upper case version\n";
cout << " of a String without changing the String itself, whereas the\n";
cout << " member function toUpper() will convert the String internally:\n\n";
cout << "str1() = " << str1 << "\n";
cout << "toupper(str1) = " << toupper(str1) << "\n";
cout << "str1() = " << str1 << "\n";
cout << "str1.toUpper();\n";
cout << "str1() = " << str1 << "\n\n";
void StrInsDel()
String str1 = "This is only a test";
cout << "str1() = " << str1() << "\n\n";
cout << "The Delete() member function can be used to delete a substring:\n\n";
str1.Delete(8, 5);
cout << "str1.Delete(8, 5);\n";
cout << "str1() = " << str1() << "\n\n";
cout << "The Insert() member function can be used to insert a substring:\n\n";
str1.Insert(8, "still ");
cout << "str1.Insert(8, \"still \");\n";
cout << "str1() = " << str1() << "\n\n";
cout << "The Replace() member function can be used to insert a substring\n";
cout << " either by replacing another substring or by replacing a given\n";
cout << " length of characters at a position:\n\n";
str1.Replace("is still", "continues to be");
cout << "str1.Replace(\"is still\", \"continues to be\");\n";
cout << "str1() = " << str1() << "\n\n";
str1.Replace(5, 15, "is no longer");
cout << "str1.Replace(5, 15, \"no longer\");\n";
cout << "str1() = " << str1() << "\n";
void StrJustify()
cout << "The justify() function will expand a String to a total width of n\n";
cout << " by adding blanks and justify the non-blank portion:\n\n";
String str1 = "Hello world.";
String str1a = "│" + justify(str1, LEFT, 20) + "│";
String str1b = "│" + justify(str1, CENTER, 20) + "│";
String str1c = "│" + justify(str1, RIGHT, 20) + "│";
cout << "String str1 = \"" << str1 << "\";\n\n";
cout << "str1a = \"│\" + justify(str1, LEFT, 20) + \"│\";\n";
cout << "str1b = \"│\" + justify(str1, CENTER, 20) + \"│\";\n";
cout << "str1c = \"│\" + justify(str1, RIGHT, 20) + \"│\";\n";
cout << "str1a() = " << str1a() << "\n";
cout << "str1b() = " << str1b() << "\n";
cout << "str1c() = " << str1c() << "\n";
cout << "\nHere's what happens when clipping is used:\n\n";
str1a = "│" + justify(str1, LEFT, 8, CLIP) + "│";
str1b = "│" + justify(str1, CENTER, 8, CLIP) + "│";
str1c = "│" + justify(str1, RIGHT, 8, CLIP) + "│";
cout << "str1a = \"│\" + justify(str1, LEFT, 8, CLIP) + \"│\";\n";
cout << "str1b = \"│\" + justify(str1, CENTER, 8, CLIP) + \"│\";\n";
cout << "str1c = \"│\" + justify(str1, RIGHT, 8, CLIP) + \"│\";\n";
cout << "str1a() = " << str1a() << "\n";
cout << "str1b() = " << str1b() << "\n";
cout << "str1c() = " << str1c() << "\n";
void StrTrim()
cout << "The trim() function will remove leading and trailing whitespace:\n\n";
String str1 = "\t\t Hello World. \t ";
cout << "String str1 = \"\\t\\t Hello World. \\t \";\n\n";
String str1a = trim(str1, LEFT);
cout << "str1a = trim(str1, LEFT);\n";
cout << "str1a() = │" << str1a() << "│\n\n";
String str1b = trim(str1, RIGHT);
cout << "str1b = trim(str1, RIGHT);\n";
cout << "str1b() = │" << str1b() << "│\n\n";
String str1c = trim(str1);
cout << "str1c = trim(str1);\n";
cout << "str1c() = │" << str1c() << "│\n\n";
cout << "You can also specify the character to be trimmed:\n\n";
str1 = "Here we go again..........";
cout << "str1 = " << str1 << "\n";
str1.Trim(RIGHT, '.');
cout << "str1.Trim(RIGHT, '.');\n";
cout << "str1 = " << str1 << "\n";
void StrFind()
int pos;
String str1 = "d:\\prog\\turboc\\str";
cout << "FindFirst() returns the location of the first instance of a \n";
cout << " substring in a String. FindNext() will return the location of\n";
cout << " subsequent instances. FindLast() finds the last instance, and\n";
cout << " FindPrev() finds subsequent previous instances.\n\n";
cout << "String str1 = \"" << str1 << "\";\n\n";
pos = str1.FindFirst("\\");
cout << "str1.FindFirst(\"\\\") = " << pos << "\n";
while((pos = str1.FindNext()) != -1)
cout << "str1.FindNext() = " << pos << "\n";
pos = str1.FindLast("r");
cout << "\nstr1.FindLast(\"r\") = " << pos << "\n";
while((pos = str1.FindPrev()) != -1)
cout << "str1.FindPrev() = " << pos << "\n";
void Awk()
int i, pos, num;
String *array;
String str1 = "HELLO WORLD.";
String str3 = "This is only a test";
String str4 = "Please stand by...";
cout << "The following are AWK functions.\n\n";
cout << "index() returns the location of a substring in a String:\n\n";
pos = index(str1, "WOR");
cout << "str1() = " << str1 << "\n";
cout << "pos = index(str1, \"WOR\";\n";
cout << "pos = " << pos << "\n";
cout << "split() will split a String at a given substring delimiter:\n\n";
String str7 = "d:\\prog\\turboc\\str";
num = split(str7, array, "\\");
cout << "String str7 = \"d:\\prog\\turboc\\str\";\n";
cout << "num = split(str7, array, \"\\\");\n\n";
cout << "In this example, str7 is split using the \\ character as the\n";
cout << " delimiter. The results are placed in array, which now contains:\n\n";
for(i=0; i<num; i++)
cout << "array[" << i << "] = " << array[i] << "\n";
cout << "gsub() performs a global substitution. In this example, we want to\n";
cout << " replace all \\'s with /'s:\n\n";
cout << "str7() = " << str7 << "\n";
i = gsub("\\", "/", str7);
cout << "i = gsub(\"\\\", \"/\", str7);\n";
cout << "str7() = " << str7 << "\n";
cout << "i = " << i << "\n";
cout << "sub() performs a one-time substitution:\n\n";
cout << "str1() = " << str1 << "\n";
i = sub("LO", "P ME,", str1);
cout << "i = sub(\"LO\", \"P ME,\", str1);\n";
cout << "str1() = " << str1 << "\n";
cout << "i = " << i << "\n";
cout << "substr() returns a substring of the String starting at n. If a\n";
cout << " a third parameter is given, it represents the maximum number\n";
cout << " of characters to return\n\n";
String str_3 = substr(str3, 8);
String str_4 = substr(str4, 7, 5);
cout << "str3() = " << str3 << "\n";
cout << "substr(str3, 8) = " << str_3 << "\n\n";
cout << "str4() = " << str4 << "\n";
cout << "substr(str4, 7, 5) = " << str_4 << "\n\n";
void RegularExpr()
String str1 = "void *ptr = &var; // assign the address of var to ptr";
cout << "Regular expressions can be used to extract comments from a file.\n";
cout << "Assume the following line of code is read into String str1:\n\n";
cout << str1 << "\n\n";
String str1a;
Regexp re1 = "//.*";
if(match(str1, re1) != -1)
str1a = substr(str1, RSTART, RLENGTH);
cout << "Regexp re1 = \"" << re1 << "\";\n";
cout << "if(match(str1, re1) != -1)\n";
cout << " str1a = substr(str1, RSTART, RLENGTH);\n\n";
cout << "str1a() = " << str1a << "\n";
cout << "We can use regular expressions to test for a data type.\n\n";
Regexp reFloat = "^[+-]?([0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*$|[.][0-9]+$)";
Regexp reExpNot = "^[+-]?([0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*|[.][0-9]+)([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?$";
cout << "Regexp reFloat = \"" << reFloat << "\";\n";
cout << "Regexp reExpNot = \"" << reExpNot << "\";\n\n";
String str2 = "-1.23";
String str3 = "+1.6e-19";
cout << "String str2 = \"" << str2 << "\";\n";
cout << "String str3 = \"" << str3 << "\";\n\n";
cout << "if(str2 == reFloat)\n";
cout << " cout << \"str2 is type float\\n\";\n";
cout << "if(str3 == reExpNot)\n";
cout << " cout << \"str3 is exponential notation\\n\";\n\n";
if(str2 == reFloat)
cout << "str2 is type float\n";
if(str3 == reExpNot)
cout << "str3 is exponential notation\n";
char ch;
int i;
const int n = 14;
String s[n];
s[0] = "String++ Version 3.0 Main Menu";
s[1] = "(a) Constructors ";
s[2] = "(b) Contents ";
s[3] = "(c) Addition ";
s[4] = "(d) Misc operators ";
s[5] = "(e) Numbers ";
s[6] = "(f) toupper ";
s[7] = "(g) Insert/Delete ";
s[8] = "(h) Justification ";
s[9] = "(i) Trim ";
s[10] = "(j) Find ";
s[11] = "(k) AWK functions ";
s[12] = "(l) Regular Expressions";
s[13] = "(x) Exit ";
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
s[i].Justify(CENTER, 78, NOTRIM);
cout << "\n\n" << s[0] << "\n\n";
for(i=1; i<n-1; i++)
cout << s[i] << "\n";
cout << "\n" << s[13] << "\n";
ch = tolower(getch());
case 'a': clrscr(); StrConstr(); break;
case 'b': clrscr(); StrContents(); break;
case 'c': clrscr(); StrAddOp(); break;
case 'd': clrscr(); StrMiscOp(); break;
case 'e': clrscr(); StrNumbers(); break;
case 'f': clrscr(); StrToUpper(); break;
case 'g': clrscr(); StrInsDel(); break;
case 'h': clrscr(); StrJustify(); break;
case 'i': clrscr(); StrTrim(); break;
case 'j': clrscr(); StrFind(); break;
case 'k': clrscr(); Awk(); break;
case 'l': clrscr(); RegularExpr(); break;
case 'x': clrscr(); _setcursortype(_NORMALCURSOR); exit(0);
default: continue;
void pause(void)
char ch = getch();
if(ch == 0x03)
cout << "\n";